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TRIBES: 5 Weeks | 5 Challenges: Week 5

“Do you have a minute?”

“Could I ask you a quick question?”

“Could you help with something?”

…And before you know it, your time is gone. Story of my life…

We’re wrapping up our 5 Weeks | 5 Challenges series today by talking about our time. It’s probably our most precious commodity in ministry. And it’s a never-ending quest to balance it. We’re integrated, involved, and intentional about our role in the body of Christ. However, sometimes we have a difficult time balancing ministry and our other obligations. It’s so easy to become over-committed and under-connected. When there is a lack of intentionality in our personal priorities, relationships with God, spouses, children, friends...everything suffers. This is a dangerous place to be.

So today I want to keep it simple so I don’t take up much of your time! (HA! That was so easy – I just couldn’t resist…)

Here are 5 ways to bring balance to your time and life in the ministry:

1. Keep the focus on Christ: We all know it, but as the hymn says, “We are prone to wander.” Doing things for Christ in ministry is not synonymous with abiding in Him. Protect your personal time with God above everything. We discussed this in Week 1: Devotion.

2. Respect the priority of your marriage: Set a non-negotiable date night. Communicate. Do devotions together. Honor one another above yourselves. Surprise your spouse. Love him/her according to their personal love language. This is my heartbeat for all ministry marriages.

3. Set boundaries: Set a limit to how many nights you are out a week doing ministry. Give your spouse veto power over your schedule. Do not miss your own kids’ events for ministry purposes. Allow ample time for rest at home, listening, and fun.

4. Set the tone in your home: Ensure that your home is a refuge of affection, warmth, and encouragement. If you are too busy, you set a tone of stress and chaos. May the Word of God be visible in your home and in your actions.

5. Be intentional with your own children: Include your kids in ministry. Allow them to enjoy the perks of serving in a ministry. Be present when you are home. Find unique ways to encourage and celebrate them. Be creative and fun!


And with that we end our 5 Weeks, 5 Challenges series! This all began when I read 1 Thessalonians 4:7b –

God hasn’t invited us into a disorderly, unkempt life but into something holy and beautiful—as beautiful on the inside as the outside.

It challenged me to examine my own life. As a result I identified 5 areas I wanted to improve upon: Health, Devotion, Words, Appearance, & Time.

Has this series impacted you? I would love to hear about it! Send me a message or post a comment for others’ encouragement.

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