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How to Raise a Counterculture Kid

As a Christian parent, I want to make sure that I am raising children who aren’t afraid to live differently in our culture. I want to raise kids who aren’t afraid to stand up for what is solid and biblical, even when that is contrary to all culture around them.

To be counter cultural.

I started thinking about this idea of raising countercultural kids. I asked, "Where do we start?" And decided to start a conversation on my Facebook page. Here are some of my thoughts:

1. By counterculture, I am not talking about the “world is scary and evil, protect your kids at all costs" mentality. I don’t want my kids sheltered from the world. That is not my goal.

Pray this for yourself and your family...“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

2. It starts in the home.

“Our home will be the most significant place during our kids’ childhood. I can’t ignore its influence.”

-Tsh Oxenreider in Notes from a Blue Bike.

Ok, do we establish this culture in our home?

Set up systems at home for the purpose of stability when friendships and culture aren’t always stable. That is, practices, traditions, habits that bring stability for the good of the family. Every morning pray on the way to school. Or daycare. Or to work out. Or wherever you head first thing in the morning.

In our home this includes...

Friday night pizza and movie night.

Dates with Dad.

Dinner Time Conversation Starters.

Family Faith Time.

3. We display to the culture and each other that we’re a family and that means something.

Guard family nights at home. Be consistent. Doing so will help your kids believe that the safest place in the world is being together as family.

How? Model ideas like...

We have somewhere to be on Sundays.

We avoid certain shows because of what it does to our attitude and actions.

We schedule and guard family nights at home.

Do you have set evenings that you have designated as "family night?" You should set it as an appointment in your calendar. And consider it non-negotiable. Spend that time both having fun and investing in the spiritual health of your family.

Raising counterculture kids requires intentional effort. It means taking the "long-view" when parenting. Determining the kind of adult you hope your child to be and parenting in such a way now to prayerfully see that in the end.

What about you? What are some of the ways you are intentionally parenting your children?

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