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TRIBES: 5 Weeks | 5 Challenges: Week 2

Elizabeth Elliot writes: “Discipline, for a Christian, begins with the body. We have only one. It is this body that is the primary material given to us for sacrifice. If we didn’t have this, we wouldn’t have anything. We are meant to present it, offer it up, give it unconditionally to God for His purposes. This we are told is a “spiritual act of worship.” (Romans 12:1)

About 10 years ago I started a personal weight loss journey. After the birth of my 3rd child, I realized I could no longer excuse my weight-gain away. I weighed well over 200 pounds, and I was not happy with how I looked and was even more unhappy with how I felt.

Now, 10 years later I have lost 75 pounds and have been able to maintain it. Changing my eating habits was tough but it’s the exercise discipline that still gets me in trouble!

I have plenty of excuses.

The truth? I struggle with self-discipline.

Elizabeth Elliot goes on to write:

“The Christian’s body houses not only the Holy Spirit Himself, but the Christian’s heart, will, mind and emotions – all that plays a part in our knowing God and living for Him…the body was a gift to me. Whether I will thank God for it and offer it as a holy sacrifice is for me to decide.”

Holiness has never before been a driving force for “getting fit,” but I must admit that her writing challenges me. And so that brings us to our first challenge on the list of disciplines!


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